Sunday, April 11, 2004

Some new links in Jewish blogging

One of the goals of this blog is to promote learning and discussion and in that vain, here are more Jews and Israelis who blog.

Protocols, a blog maintained by a group of writers (as is Kesher Net).
Sitting on a Fence, subtitled "Reflections on politics, ideas, culture, and other serious distractions 'He has sat on the fence so long, the iron has entered his soul' -- Lloyd George on Sir John Simon"
This Woman's Work
Yutopia, subtitled "The Sometimes Updated Blog of Rabbi Josh Yuter"
Zackary Sholem Berger who has a blog with the subtitle, "Yiddish, poetry, science, vegetarian Indian food, and the Ineffable. In no particular order." You can find links to blogs in Yiddish at his site.

[Updated throughout today's surfing.]


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