Monday, May 16, 2005

Israeli & Palestinian Radio!

While catching up on my blogs this morning after shabbat and a 14-hour workday on Sunday, I read Richard's post on All for Peace Radio, a radio station jointly run and programed by Israelis and Palestinians. Their stated purpose includes:

joint radio station broadcasting in Hebrew, Arabic and English, which aimed at a wide audience amongst both people and provides messages of peace, cooperation, mutual understanding, coexistence and hope.

The goals of the project include:

1. exposure of the various aspects of each side to the other side
2. exposure of interviewees, artists and topics of each side to the other side
3. emphasis on the different and the similar
4. breaking of stereotypes existing on both sides
5. discussion of common interests such as health, environment, culture, transportation, economy, etc.
6. exposure and reporting on joint initiatives and projects and on alternative ideas for the conclusion of the conflict
7. providing hope to the listeners
8. preparing listeners towards “the morning after” the conflict

I'm listening as I write this blog - go listen!


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