Sunday, February 20, 2005

Good News Morning from Israel

Boker tov (good morning or a good day at whatever time you read this.)

This morning began (as all do) with a quick read of the news over the internet. I am filled with (slightly cautious) hope this morning reading Ha'aretz, one of Israel's dailies. Peace seems to again be building:

Home demolitions for Palestinians is no longer government policy. [For more information on why home demolitions are problematic, see this FAQ on Home Demolitions by RHR.] Gideon Levy has an editorial piece on the home demolitions in Ha'aretz.

The disengagement plan from Gaza is being voted on today by the Israeli cabinet. The Knesset has already passed the disengagent plan, and cabinet approval is another key step for the July pullout.

Israel is also rerouting the security fence as directed by the Israeli Court. Israel's court months ago determined that part of the route of the fence was problematic and mandated change. If only the government of the United States could be self-relfective and willing to make difficult changes or even admit when it is wrong. Somehow, I don't think that Bush ever thinks that he or his policies are wrong.

Ha'aretz article on pullout and fence re-route. An analysis article in Ha'aretz can be found here.

Jordan is returning its ambassador to Tel Aviv, and Egypt is expected to soon do the same.

Israeli Arab women are opening more businesses and building brighter futures for themselves, their families and communities. Much of this effort is being spearheaded by The Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development.

While there is this good news, here are a few more serious items:
Please put former President Ezer Weitzman in your prayers, as he is in the hospital.


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