Friday, October 01, 2004

From the New Editor of the Jerusalem Post

David Horovitz is the new editor of the Jerusalem Post. In today's editorial he wrote of the goals he has for his leadership of the JPost. Among his comments were...

"I regard it as an immense responsibility to be editing The Jerusalem Post at this fragile juncture in the short history of modern Israel. .... Similarly, honored that you, our readers, come to The Jerusalem Post to learn the details of Israel's daily development, and conscious that you make personal, business and all manner of other decisions based on what you read here, we will strive to maintain the highest reporting standards, with coverage and analysis as informative and fair-minded as we can make it. English is not the main language of Israel, but it is the language most widely spoken by Jewish people. The Jerusalem Post is the most resonant name in daily English-language journalism in Israel and the Jewish world, in an era when this article, and every other, can be accessed globally in an instant. We at the Post acknowledge the responsibility, and relish the opportunity, this brings us."

Read the full editorial here (You may need to log in, but it is free.)

Wishing everyone a shabbat shalom,
May G-d spread a sukkah of peace over Israel and over the world on this sabbath of Sukkot.


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